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Header - Entec Surface aeration

Surface aerators

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Floating design and therefore easy to use anywhere.

Floating design and therefore easy to use anywhere.

Floating design and therefore easy to use anywhere.

Header - Entec Surface aeration
Surface aerators

ENTEC® surface aerators provide an extremely flat and almost horizontal spray of 360 ° around the device. Wide range of applications, from surface water management to activated sludge installations, SBR and MBR systems.

Motor:Air cooled (= longer lifespan compared to underwater motor)
Drive:Direct drive, requires little to no maintenance.
Range:Available from 0,75 kW tot 55 kW.
High turbulence:Good mixing and high alpha factor.
Horizontal spray:Low in aerosols.
Installation:Floating. This makes it quick, easy and applicable everywhere.
Materials:Stainless steel 304 or 316

In addition to surface aerators, Entec also supplies other aeration installations. Click here for the complete overview.

Surface aerator used in Kosovo