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Header - Entec Recirculation pumps

ENTEC® Recirculation pumps

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Effectively moving large volumes of liquid with a relatively low head.

Effectively moving large volumes of liquid with a relatively low head.

Effectively moving large volumes of liquid with a relatively low head.

Header - Entec Recirculation pumps

Recirculation pumps move a large volume of liquid at a relatively low head. The recirculation pumps are used, for example, when a liquid has to be pumped from one basin into the other basin. This is the case, for example, when waste water is pumped into sewage treatment plants from the nitrification tank to the denitrification tank.

Recirculation Pumps

A normal centrifugal pump would require a much higher installed power for this and also requires special structural provisions that are not necessary with recirculation pumps.

The recirculation pumps are mainly used in situations where normal pumps fail because of the high dry matter content. The recirculation pumps have a large capacity, coupled with a low installed capacity and are clog-free. Very efficient!

ENTEC® recirculation pumps can be divided into two categories:

  • Equipped with gearbox
  • Directly driven

The choice between these recirculation pumps depends on the required capacity (head in relation to flow rate). Depending on the technological process requirements, the Entec recirculation pumps can be used continuously or intermittently. Other types of feed-through pumps often run continuously.

On wastewater treatment plants, this type of transit pump is mounted in a pipe or a wall passage between two tanks to remove nitrogen and phosphate. If the water level on the discharge side is higher than on the suction side, a non-return valve must be fitted to prevent backflow. This can be part of the delivery.

These situations can also occur in industrial or amusement park-like environments.


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